Nicole Durham – The Caulk Artist
Greater Houston Area

Nicole Durham, It Could All be so Simple, 40″X30“
Artist Statement: An Experimental Journey of Obstinance: Creating textured artworks with caulk began as an experimental journey to explore my neglected cultural and domesticated identities. The nontraditional medium is an industrial, and far more obstinate, material than traditional artist products, reconnecting me with ambitious emotions of endurance and sacrifice. The porous material draws out the ambiguity of privileged creating, awarding the viewer with dramatic relief and multi-level textured experiences.
Description of artwork in three words: Formidable, Intimate, Vulnerable
What the artist wants you to know about them and their work: I like to emphasize that my core material of choice is caulk, which is not on your traditional artist supply list; more like your trip to the hardware store. Caulk. Not to be confused with chalk (which happens quite often) is the stuff that you use to line your bathtub and sinks, etc.
Congratulations, Nicole! I’m so grateful to have become a friend and fan of your artwork. Wishing you many blessings and success moving forward as you bring caulk into the limelight of art. ✨️
Love the striking yet soft look of the texture and curves. Beautiful and unique work by a beautiful and unique artist.